Huge West Loop Apartment Complex Readies for Construction (68)

A vacant lot at 845 W. Madison Street is ready to be transformed into one of West Loop's largest apartment projects to date according to Chicago Curbed.

The block-sized site is bordered by Monroe, Peoria, Madison and Green Streets and plans call for a pair of new apartment buildings rising 15 to 17 stories. Developed by the John Buck Company and Lendlease and designed by Chicago's GREC Architects, the towers will share a base that will include the following:

 - Retail space

 - Tenant Amenities

 - 300 Parking spots

 - A collection of for-rent townhomes

This will be one of the most dense developments to come to the West Loop in recent years and is zoned for 586 residences. 


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Even though the project has not yet received its foundation permit, work is already underway to prep the site for imminent below ground construction. Crews from Lendlease along with one caisson drilling rig and a number of metal tubes and cages used to build the tower's foots, were on the site Monday morning. Permits were granted to install two construction cranes late last week. To see more West Loop projects, click here. (69)

This development is one of three new projects headed to the northern edge of the West Loop's popular Mary Bartelme Park. It will join the newly completed Illume Condos at 111 S. Peoria and the 19 story Milieu Apartments at 205 S. Peoria. The trio are part of a larger neighborhood building boom that includes dozens of new office, hotel and residential developments.


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This site was once the former home of H2O Plus, a lotion and shampoo manufacturer prior to the company's move to San Francisco. 

This massive development was approved by the Chicago Plan Commission last summer and will include its city-required 59 affordable rate units on-site and will contribute $2.3 million into the city's Neighborhood Opportunity Fund. 



Posted by Judy Lamelza

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