Gas Station & Convenience Store Planned for Evanston


A proposal for a convenience store and gas station at 140 Chicago Avenue in Evanston was submitted for approval. An estimate for this project is not available at this time. It is scheduled for the Evanston Design and Project Review Committee. 

The project consists of the following:


 - Demolition of existing convenience store, fuel pumps and canopy

 - Construction of a new single story 1,500 square foot convenience store

 - New canopy

 - Five double fuel pumps


DataBid ID: 0049030119

Project Class:  General Building

Industry: Commercial

Trade: Convenience Stores/Gas Stations

Stage: Design/Planning

Bids Due to: Eriksson Architecture LLC

Owner: Mazhar Hussain

Status Update: Pending approvals

Construction timeline: Undetermined


Confirmed Trades:

Division 02 - Existing Conditions

Division 03 - Concrete

Division 04 - Masonry

Division 05 - Metals

Division 06 - Wood, Plastics and Composites

Division 07 - Thermal and Moisture Protection

Division 08 - Openings

Division 09 - Finishes

Division 10 - Specialties

Division 21 - Fire Suppression

Division 22 - Plumbing

Division 23 - HVAC

Division 25 - Integrated Automation

Division 26 - Electrical

Division 27 - Communications

Division 28 - Electronic Safety and Security

Division 31 - Earthwork

Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Division 33 - Utilities


Looking for hard to find Private Retail projects?


Posted by Judy Lamelza

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