12 Story Rental Building Proposed for North York

12 Storey Rental Building Proposed for North York

Developer Davpart submitted a rezoning application to the City of Toronto to build a mid-rise rental building on Keele Street north of Victory Drive in the Downsview area of North York. The project would bring nearly 300 apartments and would replace the 54 existing units that are currently on the site.

Urban Toronto states that the site is located at 2808 and 2810 Keele Street, a block and a half north of Wilson on the west side and next to Quadcam's 'The 2800' which was completed in 2018. 


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The site is currently occupied by a 4 storey rental apartment building and a 1-storey single detached dwelling. Both of these buildings will be demolished. The developer wants to construct a 12-storey apartment building facing Keele Street, and a 3-storey semi-detached building facing Victory Drive.

Turner Fleischer designed the mid-rise apartment building which will feature:


 - "L" shape building

 - The ground floor lobby space and live/work units are oriented towards the street edge and provide potential spill-out opportunities at grade level

 - The live/work units feature a flexible space design and can be converted into commercial units as the community's needs change

 - Total residential gross floor area of 22,923 m2 and a density 3.44 times the lot area


The 290 dwelling units will include:


 - 288 apartments

 - 54 rental replacement units

 - 4 live/work units

 - 2 semi-detached (3-bedroom dwelling units)

 - 6 studio units

 - 125 one-bedroom units

 - 129 two-bedroom units

 - 26 three-bedroom units

 - 2 four-bedroom units

 - Total of 630.0 m2 of indoor amenity space on floors 1 and 11

 - The larger of the two spaces opens up to a rooftop terrace

 - Underground parking level for 165 slots

 - 309 bicycle parking spaces


Davpart Inc. is a full service real estate investment and property management company established in 1993. Davpart's Head Office is based out of Toronto, Ontario. Starting initially with three industrial buildings, Davpart now has a mixed portfolio of over 90 industrial, Office, Retail and Residential projects concentrated in Ontario and in the U.S.

Davpart's operating strategy includes timely building maintenance programs, frequent site visits by property management personnel and open lines of communication with tenants. This hands-on approach creates an efficient and professional work environment for its tenants.


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Posted by Judy Lamelza

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