Eastwood/Parkview Public School to be Built in East Windsor

Parkview and Eastwood public schools

Parkview and Eastwood public schools in East Windsor will be combined and a new building will be replacing them on the site of the current Parkview Public School property per CBC News.

During the construction, students at Parkview will not be able to use their field and playground but will be able to use the public park right next to the current school. The loss of the playground will only be for half of the school year since a lot of the construction will be done over the summer months. 

The Ontario Ministry of Education gave the Greater Essex County District School Board a $13.2 million grant for the building. The school will have room for 500 students and have four dedicated child care spaces.


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The following steps will be taken next:

 - Design

 - Design approval

 - Tender process for the construction bid

The Parkview building that is on the site will be demolished as part of the construction process and will become parking and playground space. The Eastwood site will be declared "surplus to board needs" and will be put up for sale. Interested in Educational Projects in Ontario?

The building is expected to be completed at some point during the 2020-2021 school year. Students will remain in the current classrooms during the construction period and will move mid-year if the building is not open in time for the September start of school.

According to CBC News, the school board announced two other provincial grants: one for $5 million that will be used for additions to the Queen Elizabeth Public School in Leamington and another for $4 million which will add a 7 room child care centre to Essex Public School.


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Posted by Judy Lamelza

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